We will promote the orderly linking up of medical insurance programs at different levels, improve major disease insurance and medical assistance schemes, and see that medical expenses are settled where they are incurred. We will institute an insurance system to support long-term care and vigorously develop commercial medical insurance.
1. success,名词,有两个含义:一、成功;是抽象名词,不可数。二、成功的人或事,可数名词。If you don’t stick to your goal, you may not achieve success.如果你不坚持你的目标,你可能不会成功。
在今天的英语中,campaign更多用于指,有组织、有计划、有明确目标的一系列事件,相当于campaign这个军事术语的figurative比喻用法,在词典中的定义是:Aseries of planned activities that are intended to achie
考研英语大纲词汇量为5500左右,其中有1500左右的考察频率高的,在理解句子中起主要作用的词汇,叫核心词汇,那么核心词汇就是大家背单词时,优先要记住并理解的单词。背单词有困难的小伙伴,先跟JOJO老师的词汇视频来背核心词汇吧~~ 1.
Would you like to contribute towards Wang Jing's leaving present?I'm going to contribute some of my homemade cakes to the school to sell at the school fair.
accommodate: 英文解释为“ to accept someone's opinions and try to do what they want, especially when their。