下面是外媒头条的原文和对应的机器翻译,供您参考(翻译若存在问题,欢迎指正。)第1条原文:Donald Trump and Elon Musk illegally revoked $80 million that was approved by Congress for NYC.
原文:Human remains were found at the former home of a Pennsylvania man recently convicted of killing his wife, who went missing in October 2018 and was found buried in a shallow grave.译文:警方称,周日清晨,在威斯康星州麦迪逊市的一场屋顶派对上发生枪击事件,造成9人受伤。
下面是外媒头条的原文和对应的机器翻译,供您参考(翻译若存在问题,欢迎指正。)第1条原文:Indian business tycoon Ratan Tata, who once headed the Tata Group conglomerate, died at 86.
4The researchers found that while average life expectancies increased during that time in all of the locations, the rates at which they rose slowed down. The one exception was Hong Kong, where life expectancy did not decelerate.
“To me China is playing the game like any other nation. China's manufacturing boom has been a godsend for raising living standards the world over,” he wrote, pointing out that the US subsidizes business and industry “all the time”.对中国而言,它就像其他任何国家一样在参与游戏。中国的制造业繁荣为全球提高生活水平带来了福音,”他写道,并指出美国一直都在补贴企业和产业。
There is a famous story by the French writer Jean Giono about a man who plants trees in a barren valley. “For three years he had been planting trees in this wilderness. He had planted one hundred thousand. Of the hundred thousand, twenty thousand had sprouted. Of the twenty thousand he still expected to lose about half, to rodents or to the unpredictable designs of Providence. There remained ten thousand oak trees to grow where nothing had grown before.”