Easy如果用来形容女性,往往指一个人十分轻浮、随便:She is easy: 她很随便。意思和promiscuous(轻浮)差不多不过如果是用来说自己,一般表示不挑剔:A: What do you want for dinner? 你晚饭要吃什么B: I'm easy.
I lost £500 in a card game last night, but that's life - easy come, easy go.这些短语和句子你都理解对了吗?同学们可以在右下角留言区写下你的答案哦, 老师会亲自点评~
1 the [ðə, ði:]art.这,那 ad.[用于比较级;最高级前]2 be [bi:,bi]aux.v.(am,is,are之原型) vi.是;在3 of [əv, ə, ɔv]prep.…的;由…制成的;关于;由于4 and [ənd, ænd]conj.
accommodate: 英文解释为“ to accept someone's opinions and try to do what they want, especially when their。