【造句】:The lion is the king of the grassland 狮子是草原之王。【造句】:The horse won the first place in the race 这匹马在比赛中得了第一名。
海洋动物walrus 海象 美 [ˈwɔlrəs]dolphin 海豚whale 鲸seal 海豹starfish 海星otter 水獭 美 [ˈɑtɚ]海洋动物sea turtle 海龟octopus 章鱼美 [ˈɑktəpəs]seagull 海鸥 英 [ si:^ʌl] s
elephant[’elɪfənt] 大象 camel [’kæml] 骆驼 zebra [’zebrə] 斑马 tiger [’taɪɡə] 熊 panda [’pændə] 熊猫 fox [fɒks] 狐狸 giraffe [dʒə’rɑːf] 长颈鹿gorilla [ɡə’
“You would not help me make this cake… so you will not help me eat it.” She runs away with the cake and eats every last crumb.
No monkey business, now, we've got to get this job done.Typical we do the donkey-work and he takes the credit!
科学家对未来都有各种预测。有近期未来预测(immediate future),也有远期未来预测(distant future)。有精确预测(predict),也有不太精确的预测(forecast)。这些都是英语文化经常“纠缠”的区分。
It was descendants of those Europeans who came up with this apocalypse mumbo-jumbo.转载《有道词典》,如有侵权请通知删除。
1、-er表示人,物singer歌唱家dancer 跳舞者teacher 教师writer 作者,作家reader 读者waiterleader 领袖fighter 战士worker 工人farmer 农民turner 车工hatter 帽商,制帽工人banker 银行家wago
英文释义:1. revelation | revelation a fact that people are made aware of, especially one that has been secret and is surprising。我们所需要得一些角色模仿在本能中,在那里狗就是一个流动的启示。