No matter what industry you do, please remember that a three-month apprenticeship, a six-month survival period, and an eighteen-month career period will finally lead to a successful period. Once it is determined that it has started, you will stick to it and give up halfway, which will only make you stay in the survival period. After three years in the business, five years in knowledge and ten years in success, it's a pity that too many people give up in two months. As everyone knows, they are experts in doing simple things repeatedly;
. 1、哀莫大于心死——心死:指心像死灰的灰烬。指最可悲哀的事,莫过于思想顽钝,麻木不仁。2、 爱博而情不专——对人或事物的喜爱很广泛,而感情不能专一。3、爱则加诸膝,恶则坠诸渊——加诸膝:放在膝盖上;坠诸渊:推进深渊里。