Similarly, to reach objectives, detours may have to be made around obstacles. 同样,企业为了达到预定目标,途中可能需要绕道,以避开障碍。
The problem is that, of late, manufacturing's powers seem to have vanished. Figures published on October 26th show that America's GDP jumped by 4.9% at an annualised rate in the third quarter of the year. Nearly 80% of output is now made up of services, but one might expect manufacturing at least to pull its weight, given its supposed powers. In fact, labour productivity in manufacturing fell by 0.2% at an annualised rate, meaning that the boost to growth was driven by services. To make matters worse, productivity in the manufacturing sector has been in secular decline since 2011--the first decade-long fall in the available data . Some economists think it is probably also the first such fall in American history.
Objectives in these key areas should enable us to do five things: 这些关键领域的目标应该能做到5点:① to organize and explain the whole range of business phe
Physical and Financial Resources实物与财力资源What resources objectives are needed and how progress toward them is to be measured differs for each
Without them management flies by the “seat of its pants” — without landmarks to steer by, without maps and without having flown the route be
年底老板问你项目进行得怎么样时,你要怎么回答呢?以下是描述工作进度时常用的句式,供大家参考:1. How's the project going?项目进展得怎么样?2. Great! We're way ahead of schedule.非常好!我们要提前完工了。3.
“achieve” is more when you reached something, like “I achieved my goals” is you finally reached your goal. “Fulfill” is more when you've completed something. “I've fulfilled my dreams” is like I've finally done my dream and it's complete.如果你履行了某事,如承诺、梦想或希望,你做了你说过或希望你会做的事。