While it's hard to know what leads a couple to end their marriage, in their public statement Bill and Melinda Gates drew on familiar language. They no longer believe that they “can grow together” but will continue to “work together to shape and approve foundation strategies”. That is not uncommon for working couples who separate. While they might no longer love each other, they still love their shared projects. It's the professional version of remaining committed to doing the best for the children.
齐鲁晚报·齐鲁壹点记者 孔令茹 张頔 实习生 胡姿如 王旻据港交所8月22日披露,“中国最大的连锁酒馆”海伦司通过港交所聆讯,中金公司为独家保荐人。据招股书显示,2020年按收入计,海伦司(Helens)创立于2004年,定位为年轻人定制休闲聚会的娱乐空间。
北京时间 2 月 18 日中午,埃隆·马斯克旗下的人工智能公司 xAI 重磅发布了 Grok 3 系列模型,宣称其在数学、科学和编码基准测试中,击败了 Google Gemini、DeepSeek V3、Claude 以及 OpenAI 的 GPT-4o。