“自媒体”用英语怎么说?With the rise of self-publishing, more authors are taking control of their work and reaching audiences directly.
英语小短文有声朗读《一座小山》A HillThere is a hill near my home. On the hill there are many apple trees and orange trees.
a[eijart一(个,件....) afforde':dv有足够的(钱/时间)做(某事)abit(of)phr少量(的),一点 afraid[e'freid]adj害怕的abit[e'bit]phr.一点儿 Africa[afrika]n非洲a bottle of]phr.
UNIT1Albert Einstein 阿伯特·爱因斯坦(20世纪 杰出的科学家)genius n.天才;创造力inspiration n.灵感; 鼓舞人心的人(或事物)perspiration n.
的忧虑:regardless of concerns over互相谅解,相互理解:mutual understanding鼓起勇气:muster up courage首次露面:make one's first appearance面对斗争与改变:in the face of struggle and change服从志愿者组织的指挥:follow orders from the voluntary organization没有履行职责: fail to carry out one ’ s duties有不端行为:display unacceptable behavior损害高中生形象:damage the image of high school students标志着童年到成年的过渡:mark the transition from childhood to adulthood吸引注意:capture the attention完全一团糟: be competely in a mess被认为是权威:be considered an authority对某事不存幻想:be under no illusion about sth.—项有意义的活动:a meaningful /rewarding activity彻底信仰奇迹:believe whole heartedly in the great miracle相信...
1 She howled long and loud like a ferocious wolf and then jumped at Buck.2 She went home in a flood of tears.她泪如泉涌地回家去了。
一.essayashort piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one done by students as part of the work for a course在某个学科上的短文章,特别指学生课程上的
“l did my homework at the weekend but I forgot it this morning. I can bring it to school tomorrow.” “我周末做了作业,但今天早上忘了。明天我可以把它带到学校来。”
style 文体 2.poetry 诗歌 3.prose /essay 散文 ,杂文 ,随笔 4.fiction 小说 5.novel 长篇小说 6.novelette 中篇小说 7.short story 短篇小说 8.drama 戏剧 9.play 剧本 10.fable 寓言 11.tale 故事,传说 12.fairy tale 童话,神话 13.legend 传奇 14.folk song 民歌 15.travels 游记 16.biography 传记 17.autobiography 自传 18.memories 回忆录 19.film 电影 20.cinema 电影院 21.wide-screen film 宽银幕电影 22.stereoscopic film 立体电影23.color film 彩色电影 24.black and white film 黑白片 25.feature film 故事片 26.documentary 纪录片 27.romantic film 言情片 28.newsreel 新闻片 29.scientific and educational film 科教片 30.comedy 喜剧 31.tragedy 悲剧 32.sitcom 情境喜剧 33.mime 哑剧 34.cross talk 相声 35.sports film 体育片 36. talk show 脱口秀 37.game show 游戏节目 38.cartoon 动画片 39.puppet film 木偶片 40.musical film 音乐片 41.popular science film 科普片 42.science fiction film 科幻片 43.clubbed film 翻译片 44.script 电影剧本 45.scenarist 编剧 46.director 导演 47.camera man 摄影 48.producer 制片人 49.cast 演员表50.radio 收音机 52.television 电视 53.wave length 波长 54.frequency 频率 55.channel 频道 56.aerial 天线 57.knob 旋钮 58.button 按钮 59.picture tube显像管 60.fluorescent screen 荧光屏。