昨天中午,播哥和同事一起点了麦当劳的午餐外卖。期间有个小伙伴突然问了一个...难倒了包括我在内的办公室所有同事的 question...麦当劳的英文 McDonald,为什么 Donald 大写 D 之前还要加一个 Mc ??? 哦...
麦当劳的英文严格意义上不是 McDonald 而是 McDonald's英语中习惯用 “人名” + s 的形式来表示 “某人的店铺”。比如:Macy's 梅西百货。McDonald’s 麦当劳Barber's 理发店。I had my hair cut at the barber's .我昨天去理发店理发了。
grow可以用作及物动词和不及物动词。最常见的意思是“生长,成长,长大”,它是作为不及物动词。比如:Orange trees won't grow in this climate.在这种气候下,橘子树是不长不长的。
Among various cyber attacks targeting government institutions, disruption of infrastructure is the preferred goal. This is because once a cyber attack creates chaos in sectors related to people's livelihoods, such as electricity, transportation and hospitals, it could bring society to a standstill and even stir up unrest.
Tim急忙解释说,“I mean I have to study hard because my finals are coming up.”哦,原来如此啊,他说他要用功学习了,因为他的期末考试快来了。
YYDS, the pinyin abbreviation of the four Chinese character expression, literally meaning “eternal god”, illustrates one's feeling for something or someone godlike, awesome and exceptional.
Minecraft Legends将会登陆Xbox Game Pass,PC Game Pass,Windows,Xbox Series X/S,Xbox One,PlaySatation,Steam,and Nintendo Switch。
在本人的实际教学中,当问到小学生stand这个词的时候,很多孩子都不知道意思,但只要我用stand up提醒他们,他们几乎都知道这个词组是“起立”,如果再进一步追问stand和up分别是什么意思,他们很多就会说stand是“起”up是“立”。