There is a prevailing opinion that people in affluent countries are less likely to achieve higher satisfaction from further advances in economy. From my perspective, I tend to say such an assertion is irrational because of the lack of causal relationship between material wealth and happiness.
Ever since the age of enlightenment, scientists are carrying out their researches. Nowadays scientific researches are regarded as one of the most significant contributors to human being’s progression. From the ownership perspective, they are either delivered by governments or private companies. I tend to agree that government should control most of the research projects.
反面段:Job hopping can be one of the most stressful occasions in one’s working life. Those with a steady jobs may have spent years as part of an organization, becoming an integrated part of its office culture. Their routines, habits and small daily rituals – such as when and where to take coffee breaks – will not be carried with them to a new job, and leaving that type of familiar environment behind can be frightening for even the most seasoned worker.
题目如下:Research suggests that nowadays some customers are much less influenced by advertising.What do you think are the reasons for that?
类似话题:2021.4.17 Young people do not spend their holiday and weekend doing outdoor activities like hiking and climbing in natural environment. Why?
在演说中,他说出了著名的平等口号:I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”
回答范例:I hold the view that it would be less prevalentin years to come because more applications has developed new functions such as video call, online meeting and contract approval and so on which has the trend to replace emails.