一只又小又饿的毛毛虫从卵里钻出来了。He started to look for some food.On Monday he ate through one apple, but he was still hungry.
we usually see a rainbow as a half circle.it actually forms a full circle from the ground.we can only see the top half.
the ocean is home to all these animals. many of them are endangered. they all suffer because of pollution and hunting. keeping our oceans clean will help keep these animals alive.
周五,达比就15岁了。“we must plan a special party for Darby” said Mike. “we have always had a party for Darby on his birthday. and he will be 15 years old. we have to plan a very special party”
什么都会,最后还会温柔地抱住她说:I love my Dad, and you know what?很适合睡前阅读,翻开第一页“my dear little baby, do you need a kiss?”
这本绘本带领孩子在模仿十二种动物的特有动作中学习英文,绘本涉及到以下单词和句子:单词:penguin giraffe buffalo monkey seal gorilla cat crocodile camel donkey elephant parrot.
最近基本上每天陪娃在storyline online上看一本英文绘本,还有好莱坞演员绘声绘色的朗读,加之生动的画面,我和娃都很喜欢。以下是觉得看到的不错的绘本:1、I'm Not Scared, You're Scared。
“我看见你了本尼。”Marty can hear well, so he uses his ears. He hears someone moving under the ground. He gets closer and listens.
“If you become a rock on the mountain high above me,” said his mother, “I will be a mountain climber, and I will climb to where you are.”
这个新年假期,有没有给宝宝读新年主题的绘本呢?赶在新年的尾巴,推荐几本我喜欢的英文绘本。1. My First Chinese New Year 《我的第一个春节》适合年龄:2-5岁内容简介:本书以一个小女孩的口吻,讲述了人们是如何迎接春节的。