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九年级英语Unit1《 How can we become good learners?》知识点。如: They set out as the sun was rising. 太阳升起时,他们就出发了。
Unit1 How can we become good leaders? textbook /tekstbuk/ n. 教科书;课本 p.1conversation /kɔnvəseɪʃn/, n. 交谈;谈话 aloud /əlaud/ adv. 大声地;出声地 p.
Each different part of China has different tanghulu. It is usually made of haws, which are put together on a stick and covered with ice sugar. But there are more materials for tanghulu today in some places, such as strawberries, grapes, and even little apples.
You can _ _ the key words such as names and numbers. They will help you understand and remember what you hear.