我先来:造句:I was supposed to see holly in Hollywood.Holly的英文解释:a small evergreen tree with shiny, sharp leaves and small, round, red fruit. Holly is often used as a Christmas decoration in Europe and North America.
widely的中文释义为广泛地,音标:[ˈwaɪdli]。例句:We advertised the concert quite widely.我们为这次音乐会做了相当广泛的宣传。widely 英 [ˈwaɪdli] 美 [ˈwaɪdli] adv. 广泛地例句:1.
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【造句】:Any unit or individual must pay attention to duly meting out clear rewards and punishments. If the plan is not duly executed, then they can't be regarded as duly sworn in.It's our duty to duly pay the bill after we have bought.
一、LY结尾的形容词silly['sɪlɪ] adj. 愚蠢的; 傻气的early ['ɜːlɪ] adj. 早的adv. 早; 提前friendly ['fren灰熊likely [ˈlaɪkli] adj. 可能的deadly [ˈdedli] adj. 致命的holy [ˈ
smoothly /ˈsmuːðli/ adv. 顺利地〔进行〕:点击音频收听跟读 ↓↓↓↓↓↓(网络问题不显示请关闭头条app后台重新打开)例句/词组:It'll take about three hours if everything goes smoothly .
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英文副词大半有ly的字尾,但也有没有的,令人困惑是同一个字,如close to the station中的close 及to watch closely中的closely 都是副词,不知用法上有何不同?