还真不是,这是一种greeting,所以你作为主人,而且身在北京时可以此表达对客人的欢迎。又所以,当你身在美国,热情地邀请一个新认识的朋友去北京,就不能说 You are welcome to Beijing, 而应该说 I hope to see you soon in Beijing.
其实它是一个委婉的表达,在生活中常用来说明自己不想给主人添麻烦,或给他们造成负担。看个例子:-Good night, Tom. You must come back again soon.“晚安Tom,你下次可得再来哦。 -I'd love to. I don't want to
举个例子:1.Young future scientists, doctors and other students have little or no access to the Internet, only a state-controlled intranet.有些公司为了限制这种风险,只与已建立的业务伙伴进行网上交易,并且允许这些伙伴进入公司的专用内部网。
projecting film roll 刻录盘,typewriter 打字机,copier 复印机,projector 投影仪,fax machine 传真机,attendance & access system 门禁设备,server 服务器,all-in-one machi
专业词汇中英文对照表英文词汇中文翻译10-bit character frame10位字符帧20 mA interface20 mA接口3964® driver3964®驱动程序4-wire transducer4线制传感器absolute address绝对地址absolute
accommodate: 英文解释为“ to accept someone's opinions and try to do what they want, especially when their。