关于“道路”的诗词歌赋、童话小说;诸如:条条大路通罗马;其实地上本没有路,走的人多了,也便成了路;路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。那么,走在乡间的小路上的“在路上”,用英语怎么说呢?“在路上”的英语表达:是on the way? 是in the way?还是by the way?
at one’s ease/ at one’s leisure 在闲暇时 at the thought of 想到。with a view to 为了 with the exception of 除 …
今天这篇文章,小拓汇总整理了外贸工作中常用的460个英文词组,方便大家学习和使用。拥有良好销路 command a good market/ find a ready market/enjoy fast sales。
a[eijart一(个,件....) afforde':dv有足够的(钱/时间)做(某事)abit(of)phr少量(的),一点 afraid[e'freid]adj害怕的abit[e'bit]phr.一点儿 Africa[afrika]n非洲a bottle of]phr.
比如说:Your car is in the way. Please move it. 你的车挡路了,请把它挪开。I can’t see the TV. You are in the way. 我看不见电视。
Prior to the emergence of Kievan Rus' in the 9th century AD, the lands between the Baltic Seaand Black Sea were primarily populated by eastern Slavic tribes.文中:罗斯人=诺斯人=瓦良格人,是不同地区对同一批人的称呼,是维京人的后裔。
最让我感动的一件事是,谁生病了,她就会去谁那儿,陪伴他们。Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent can the patients be treated properly in this hospital.
went off 2.wakes me up 3.felt like 4.in silence 5.take it down 6.looked out of 7.pick up 8.made his way 9.point out 10.go away 11.died down 12.have a look 13.fall asleep 14.at first 15.have trouble16.make sure。
货物受欢迎---the goods are very popular with customers / have met with a warm reception /be well received/accepted/ enjoy a wide popularity among the buyers。