贴近生活的话题,才是和孩子学习英语的最好时机,今天我们的话题是早晨叫宝贝起床。Topic One 话题一:早晨,上学前的忙碌Hurry up. Time is running out. 别磨蹭,没时间了。
听音频请点击下面:起床会用到的英语1.Time to wake up!该起床了!Time to......=It's time to.....该.....了。It's time to brush your teeth! 该刷牙了!It's time to have lunch!
1.What time do you get up in the morning?你早上什么时候起床?2.I should get up earlier.我应该早点起床。3.I always rise with the bell.我总是听到铃声起床。4.
请点击右上角蓝色“+关注”,关注阿卡索少儿英语头条号,及时接收精彩内容。看视频学英语!小朋友们在家有没有因为睡懒觉,被妈妈催起床的情况呢?今天我们需要学习的情景对话围绕的就是"Waking Someone Up 叫醒某人"的主题,对话内容很短,但是知识点很多喔!
1. Wakey, wakey! 醒醒啦!2. Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey! 醒醒啦,鸡蛋培根早餐来啦!Bakey是bacon,培根一词的变形,为了和前面的wakey押韵。3. Rise and shine! 起来啦,打起精神!4.
When you sleep in, you remain in bed until later than usual. This is what we usually do on Saturdays and Sundays, provided we get the chance.冒着工作、上班等迟到的风险关掉闹钟睡回笼觉,这是不是很多人每天生活的真实写照?
1. 该起床了!It's time to get up! / It's time to wake up!It's time to get out of bed.It's time to get ready.2. 快点儿起床!Get up soon.3. 我真不想起。