long time no see已经出现在高中英语课本这种几乎算最严谨的英语教材里了哈哈哈哈哈哈。老外不仅会说kale,还会说za ma le,牛的还会说fen shou kuai le, zhao jie shi wo de。
HSBC Personal Wealth Planning is developing a versatile talent pool with comprehensive financial knowledge and professional wealth management experience. The plan is to recruit 3,000 Personal Wealth Planners by 2025 and provide complementary professional training programs to cultivate industry-scarce financial talents with an international perspective, offering a platform for lifelong growth for talent.
But an incredible 45.92 anchor leg from Pan Zhanle, the world record holder in the 100 metres free, ensured the win for China who ended America's 64-year unbeaten run in the event.西班牙《国家报》用lose dominance表达,表示美国“在游泳项目上失去了其统治地位”。
Hong Kong's transition from chaos to stability has once again demonstrated that the principle of “patriots governing Hong Kong” must be always upheld to ensure the steady and sustained implementation of “one country, two systems”. It is the fundamental principle that concerns national sovereignty, security and development interests, as well as Hong Kong's prosperity and stability in the long run.——2021年1月27日,习近平听取香港特别行政区行政长官林郑月娥2020年度的述职报告后表示。
I'll = I will;you'll = you will。she'll = she will;he'll = he will。we'll = we will;they'll = they will。I'd = I would;you'd = you would。she'd = she would;he'd = he would。we'd = we would;they'd = they would。例句。1、I'll see you tomorrow. = I will see you tomorrow.
Museums, which are important places that protect and pass on human civilizations, as well as bridges that link the past, the present and the future, play a special role in promoting the exchanges and mutual learning of the world's civilizations.