It's fine wine. I'll drink it up.Nikki got a big appetite. She'll eat anything up you put in front of her.
这三句英文都有「干杯」的意思,有什么不同?情境对话:A, “I would like to make a toast to the newly weds. Cheers to you both!”B, ”Cheers!
The victors of the competition received a warm welcome at the airport.普通用词,通常指比赛、竞赛的优胜者,或某种奖项的获得者,也指经过努力的成功者。
【真句】He was thrilled to be doing the comedy that he always felt he should do, but even during his last few year he always had a sense of curiosity, wondering what new role or challenge might be just around the corner.【2021.6浙江卷】他很高兴能出演他一直觉得自己应该演的喜剧,但即使在他生命的最后几年,他也总是有一种好奇心,想知道有什么新的角色或挑战即将到来。
position /pə'ziʃn/ n. 位置,职位,职务。predecessor /'pri:disesə/ n. 前任,原有的事物。premise /'premis/ n. 前提,假设。prescription /pri'skripʃn/ n. 处方。preservation /ˌprezə'veiʃn/ n. 保护,防护。prestige /pre'sti:ʒ/ n. 威信,威望。priority /prai'ɒrəti/ n. 优先。prospect /'prɒspekt/ n. 前景,可能性。