人们关心的是语言层面的技术处理问题,即如何在保持原语形式的同时,不让其意义失真。Self-Introduction:My name is Yin Shihan, my English name is Carol, I am from china, and now I stay in Guangzhou. My majors are Business English and English Education. Because I studied five years' period, which includes three years of junior college and two years of undergraduate course.
宝子们!今天我一定要给大家分享一种超级厉害的快速背单词方法,效果堪称一绝!我在英语考试方面还是挺有自信的,高考英语 144 分,六级 603 分,考研英语二 88 分。对于国内英语考试的应试,我有不少心得。
唐纳德·特朗普总统周六威胁要对中国商品征收10%的关税,中国的制造商正在想办法应对。Though Trump is proposing his biggest initial swing at Canada and Mexico with a proposed 25% tariff, the U.S. president still has China on his radar. After a report that the administration could delay at least some of the duties until March 1, the White House said Friday that Trump will follow through on plans to slap 10% tariffs on imports from China on Saturday. On the campaign trail, he threatened tariffs on Chinese-made goods of 60% or more.
美国妈妈管教孩子的绝招(2),Time Limit—限时。美国妈妈管教孩子的绝招(2)Time Limit ——限时昨天,我们分享了一个当孩子违反规则、发生冲突后,父母可以采取的教育方法——Time Out 独处(点击查看)实用| 美国妈妈管教孩子的绝招1—Time Out。
【生存必备】校园场景神级应用61. be/get used to+v-ing► 开学暴击:"刚get used to熬夜追剧,就要be used to早六点晨跑!"⚠️易错警报:区分used to do(过去常做) vs be used to doing(现在习惯)62.