You get three points for a win, one for a draw and zero if you lose. The two teams in each group with the most points qualify for the next round.
坐在Pub里看球是欧洲男人的最爱如果你不知道评论员激动地在叫嚣着神马真的减少了很多看球的乐趣如果你听得懂的话你会觉得解说真专业啊起码他们真的只讲解球不会看到一半突然聊起人生让你萌生想让他们shut up的冲动下面给大家科普一些评论员口中的英文专业术语让你偶尔也装逼一下Actor它
在字典中,field指的是“A sports field is an area of grass where sports are played”,即一块覆盖有草坪的运动场。那么,在这么大一片草坪上,有多少球员进行比赛呢?
FIFA:The Federation internation de Football Association(国际足联)red card 红牌yellow card 黄牌The goal is disallowed. 进球无效。
按照规定,第一支三次赢得世界杯的球队将可以永久保留雷米特杯,1970年,巴西做到了这一点。The FIFA World Cup trophy is 14.5 inches tall and is made of 6.175 kg of 18 karats gold. It has a circular base, 13 cm in diameter, made of two layers of malachite.大力神杯高14.5英尺,由6.175公斤75%黄金铸造。
“shot”在球类运动中的意思为:A kick, hit, or throw of the ball that is intended to score points in a sport such as cricket, football, tennis, or golf.
由于卡塔尔年中气温过高,这是世界杯第一次在年底举行,而非传统举办时间。Com sete cidades-sede, o campeonato é disputado entre 20 de novembro e 18 de dezembro, ao invés do período tradicional devido às altas temperaturas que o país sofre no meio do ano;
好吧,现在就把尼克拉斯拒之门外,因为这是我们目前世界足坛最优秀球员的版本。The 33-year-old deserves credit for adapting his game over the past few years in order to remain at the peak of the footballing world. He ended his Real Madrid career with an absurd 450 goals in 438 games and he is also his country's top scorer with 85 goals. After winning an unlikely Euro title with Portugal in 2016, Cristiano has nothing left to prove. Let's just enjoy the best footballer in the world, whilst we still can.