今天就为大家分享一些室内好玩的游戏和在游戏中如何用亲子英文来进行对话。分享前要感谢我的孩子,让我的生活永远充满创意!亲子陪伴远远胜过知识传授,让我们不是用父母权威去限制孩子,而是要用爱去影响孩子,在孩子心中做一对有影响力的父母。Indoor Game NO.
Rock-Scissors-Paper is a simple children’s game that has a wide appeal.But most Americans call it Rock-Scissors-Paper. Rock- Scissors-Paper
当宝宝逐渐长大,你会发现好多童年的游戏都可以传授给他了,这时的你会无比兴奋,心里会产生一种特别的感觉,有没有?你有多久没玩“石头剪子布”了?北京的小朋友管它叫“猜丁壳(Cei4, Ding1, Ke2)”,有谁还记得平局之后说“丁丁壳”?
R: Rock 石头P: Paper 布S: Scissors 剪刀想必大家都是从小就玩“剪刀-石头-布”这个游戏,由此决定胜负。可是玩了这么多年,有谁能必胜?今天就看熊熊来教你必杀绝招!如果你玩过这个游戏,你就会猜想最可能打败你的对手的策略。
The tangram is a dissection puzzle consisting of seven flat polygons which are put together to form shapes. The objective is to replicate a pattern generally found in a puzzle book using all seven pieces without overlap. It is reputed to have been invented in China sometime around the late 18th century CE and then carried over to America and Europe by trading ships shortly after.
一、COLOUR (颜色)1blue 蓝色(的)2green 绿色(的)3red 红色(的)4yellow黄色(的)5orange橘色(的)6purple紫色(的)7white 白色(的)8black 黑色(的)9brown 棕色(的)二、SCHOOL (学校)10school
颜色类:red, black, green, white, yellow, orange, brown, grey, pink, blond, blue, purple,学习用品类:pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, paper, pencil-box, ink, notebook, dictionary, sharpener,schoolbag, backpack, textbook, flashcard。
Unit1 How can we become good leaders? textbook /tekstbuk/ n. 教科书;课本 p.1conversation /kɔnvəseɪʃn/, n. 交谈;谈话 aloud /əlaud/ adv. 大声地;出声地 p.
粤语同普通话喺日常用语上差异颇大,如果唔知道就好容易「一脸懵B」,即系会造成「鸡同鸭讲眼碌碌」嘅场景,阿咩今日就嚟讲下日常生活中用粤语表达嘅用语,究竟同普通话用语有几大差异呢?剪刀石头布vs包剪揼 包剪揼在普通话叫剪刀石头布。
Broken Arm:手臂骨折Sprain:扭伤(关节)Sore Finger:手指痛Stomachache:胃痛Toothache:牙疼Fever:发烧Diabetes:糖尿病High Blood Pressure:高血压Injury:受伤Pressure Measuring: