The soft summer wind stirs the redwoods, and Wild-Water ripples sweet cadences over its mossy stones.
Thebeautiful life needs ritual sense, burning incense and drinking tea, the space collocation details all reflect the respect for cultural l
2021 缪斯设计奖MUSE Design Awards 2021缪斯设计奖(MUSE Design Awards)是国际奖项协会(International Awards Associate)旗下的全球性奖项赛事之一,旨在培养和推广“设计缪斯”,推动设计发展更上一层楼。
The dominant approach to war and state-building attributes state development to wartime growth of extractive capacity. Yet we know little about the administrative foundation through which extractive capacity is increased spatially, beyond the central policy level. Using railways as an example of a state-building asset, I revisit the role of external threat on state-building, with evidence drawing upon detailed historical data from nineteenth-century India during a crucial period of Anglo–Russo rivalry. I find that conflict with Russia led to expansion of railways in the Northwest Frontier bordering Afghanistan, the buffer between British India and Russia, which led to improved performance of local tax administrators. The findings suggest that external conflict promotes state development through provision of logistical networks enabling greater administrative efficiency in geographically distant frontiers.
Peering down from a billboard is the lily-white face of a model. Her skin is flawless and its whiteness is almost blinding. While the model is considered a great beauty, it is her fairness that women envy most. For many women, fair skin is prized and seen as the embodiment of prettiness. This belief is held most commonly in Asia, Africa, and India, where light skin is regarded as an admirable asset. In China and Japan, whitening has a centuries-long history that spawned the saying, “One white covers up three flaws.” Passed from generation to generation, this idea was about fair skin having the ability to cancel out average looks. A lighter complexion was also symbolic of wealth. A woman’s fair skin was indicative of her status, showing everyone that she did not have to endure long hours working outdoors.
英语水平和成绩的差距,90%的原因在词汇量上。掌握这593个高级词汇,拉开和其他同学的差距,让你高考英语比其他同学多拿30分!Aaccess/ ‘ækses/ n.接近;通道,入口accidental/ æksi’dentl/ a.