Unit2单词 up [ʌp] adv. 向上get up 起床;站起 dress [dres] v.穿衣服 n.连衣裙get dressed 穿上衣服 brush [brʌʃ] v.刷刷净 n.刷子tooth [tuːθ] n. 牙齿shower ['ʃaʊə] n. & v.
2.It often s______ in the north ofChinain winter and the weather is very cold.3. They are inFranceon v______.4. It’s too h_______. Let’s go
Eg.Don’t forget to bring your homework to school. Please take him to the hospital now.【典型例题】1.____it away and ____ me a new one.A. Take, bri