1. lipstick /ˈlɪpstɪk/ n. 口红Olivia: I like your lipstick.我很喜欢你的口红。Amanda: Thank you. It's new.谢谢。这是新上市的。
Do not plot harm against your neighbor, who lives trustfully near you.A blot is no blot till it is seen. 未发现的污点不叫污点。
教室1.public-address speaker 广播 2.map 地图 3.chalkboard 黑板 4.class shedule 课表 5.organ 管风琴 6.globe 地球 7.eraser 黑板擦 8.chalk 粉笔 9.shoe rack 鞋架 10.
词源:helium 1868, coined from Greek hēlios “sun” , because the element was detected in the solar spectrum during the eclipse of Aug. 18, 1868, by English astronomer Sir Joseph N. Lockyer and English chemist Sir Edward Frankland . It was not actually obtained until 1895;
, from Latin Ludovicus, from Clodovicus, from Frankish Hlūdawīg, from Proto-Germanic hlūdaz + *wīgą .