听绘本请点击下方音频《The Zoo》动物园The lion.狮子The tiger.老虎The bear.熊The wolf.狼The ape.猿The chimp.黑猩猩The snake.蛇The zebra.
I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet.我写信给动物园让他们给我寄一个宠物。They sent me an ... elephant.他们寄给我一头大象。He was too big ! I sent him back.他太大了,我把它送回去了。
大家好,我是Amanda。我们接下来几天的绘本阅读,都将和动物有关,随着我们读的绘本越来越多,绘本的难度也在增加,建议大家平时多打开绘本阅读,没有这套绘本的可以私信我获取pdf版本。今天我们来看海尼曼分级阅读绘本53 What is very long 什么是很长的?
启蒙指导:【适合年龄】:0-3岁【学习目标】 :0-12m宝宝目标单词:磨耳朵为主1-2岁宝宝目标单词:以上 + zoo动物园、elephant大象、kangaroo袋鼠、monkey猴子、snake蛇、polar bear北极熊,jump跳(复习),swim 游泳(复习)、da
今天,Lala就要给大家讲一讲动物园里都住着哪些动物家族成员们。让我们来点击音频按钮,到动物世界里去一探究竟吧! Animals动物们There are many kinds of animals in the world.
Unit 3 It has a short tail第3单元 它有一条短尾巴跟读视频Story timeNew wordsSong timeUnit 3 It has a short tail它有一条短尾巴Pages 14-15 Story timeLook at the bea
This is Kipper's little friend,Arnold.Arnold has found an ant.A a is for ant. And Arnold.这是小狗奇普的小伙伴,阿诺德。阿诺德发现了一只蚂蚁。
今天分享一篇阅读理解。可以学习动物的话题时进行同步阅读,也可以作为日常的阅读材料。每日10分钟英语阅读,养成习惯,孩子的英语学习不用愁。这篇文章的题目是:Zoo图片来源于网络1.My mom and dad took me to the zoo.我的爸爸妈妈带我去动物园。
DearMike,Spring Festival iscoming and all my family are very busy. We are getting ready for it. Mygrandfather is making big red lanterns. Red means good luck in China. My fatheris cleaning the house and my mother is making jiaozi. It’s a kind oftraditional food in China and it’s very delicious. My brother is decorating thedoors and windows and I am sweeping the floor.
陈杰:到上英语课的时间了。2Let's talk部分翻译。Miss White:We'll have an English party next Tuesday.What can you do for the party,children?
小丽又来为大家推绘本了。翻遍全网,终于找到这本简单有趣的绘本《Dear Zoo》。很多小朋友都有一个“养宠物”的梦想。《Dear Zoo》这本书中的“我”也想养一只宠物,于是便给动物园写信,希望动物园给“我”寄一只宠物。