参考文献:Banaee S, Hee S S Q. Glove permeation of chemicals:The state of the art of the current practice, Part 1: Basics and the permeation standards.Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene, 2019, 16:827-839.
参考文献:Banaee S, Hee S S Q. Glove permeation of chemicals:The state of the art of the current practice, Part 1: Basics and the permeation standards.Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene, 2019, 16:827-839.
参考文献:Banaee S, Hee S S Q. Glove permeation of chemicals:The state of the art of the current practice, Part 1: Basics and the permeation standards.Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene, 2019, 16:827-839.
大家吃小龙虾、炸鸡等美食的时候,总会掏出一次性手套,准备来一场无拘无束的美食盛宴。但是很多小伙伴在大快朵颐的同时会发现,虽然戴了手套,双手还是油不拉几的,这是为什么呢?省流版1. 一次性手套材质多为PE(聚乙烯),空隙大,油脂分子易渗透。2.