2025年第3期《求是》杂志发表了习近平总书记关于家庭、家教和家风的重要文章。The Chinese nation has always attached great importance to the family. Regardless of how times change or how the economic and social conditions evolve, the family always plays an irreplaceable role in society.
来源:健康中国 “大夫,这个药我回家后需要放冰箱吗?”“有效期到啥时候,有没有更远效期的?”……诸如此类的问题,在门诊很常见。很多人都以为,只要在有效期内,药品就可以使用。尤其是需要长期服药的肿瘤患者,往往因为疏忽对待或保存方法不当导致药品过期失效,影响自身用药。
According to a three-step plan, by the end of 2021, the CAAC will push forward the application of whole-journey luggage tracking on all dome
Scientific and technological innovation and dissemination of science are the two wings to propel our innovation-driven development. The latter should be considered as important as the former. If the scientific literacy of the whole of society is not raised, we cannot build a large contingent of high-caliber innovative personnel, nor turn their research results into production quickly. You scientists and engineers should take it as your mission to enhance the scientific literacy of the whole nation, and make it your unshirkable duty to spread science, the spirit of science, and scientific thinking and methods. With your efforts, we will see a society emerge where everyone loves, studies and uses science, and this should allow the creativity of the Chinese people to flourish.
China has released guidelines demanding various localities across the country promote urbanization with a focus on county towns. The guidelines, jointly issued by the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council General Office, said that by 2025, major progress will be seen in the drive.推进上中下游协同联动发展,要推进以人为核心的新型城镇化,要提升人民生活品质,要提高人民收入水平。
China's financial regulators have issued a plan to advance standardization of the financial sector over the 14th Five-Year Plan period , with the goal of basically establishing a financial standard system that fits modern finance in 2025. The document was jointly published by the People's Bank of China, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission.