来源:美食探索家 皮蛋在中国是很常见的食物,许多餐馆的菜单上都有凉拌皮蛋这道菜。尽管其外观不太讨喜,但味道相当独特,常用来佐酒。然而,对许多外国人而言,皮蛋看起来像发霉的食物,难以被接受。他们觉得这种食物既不卫生又怪异,味道也是难以立刻适应的。
近日,#女生吃没熟发芽土豆后晕厥送医# 的新闻上了热搜,广东广州的黎女士买土豆的时候没有注意到土豆发芽,回家后可能也没烹调熟透,吃完土豆十几分钟后突然头晕、呕吐,在上班路上晕倒,被路人打电话叫救护车送医。
01 没有烹调熟透的豆角因为吃没有烹调熟透的豆角而引发中毒的案件很多,特别是集体食堂。生豆角中含有红细胞凝集素和皂苷这两种物质。红细胞凝集素又叫豆素、植物凝集素,红细胞凝集素能对消化道产生强烈刺激,破坏消化道黏膜,引起胃肠炎。
In Northeastern India, this dish was experienced in Assam, a region known for its cuisine that’s remarkably different from the rest of India. People here eat pork, insects, and at times, even pets. During our visit, we went to the home of a man who raised silkworms. The silkworms eventually grow into moths, but before that, they enter the pupa stage, weaving a cocoon. The process involves cutting open the cocoon to extract the pupa inside. What shocked me most was that the pupa was still alive, squirming as if resisting its fate. Finally, I mustered the courage to try it. The flavor was like swallowing a juicy vitamin—watery and oddly refreshing on a hot day. It was an experience I’ll never forget.