疫情归疫情,比赛还是要打的嘛...今天,美国NCAA大学联赛正式开赛。前火箭前锋卡尔-兰德里的母校普渡大学以77比64击败了自由大学,取得了赛季开门红。值得一提的是,华裔小将周志豪(英文名Zach Edey)也完成了自己的NCAA首秀,他全场拿到了19分,5篮板,表现非常亮眼。
还记得2017年那时候,潘帅就在舞台上炫耀他那块限量版的理查德米勒骷髅头腕表,当时就狠狠地震惊了我们这些吃瓜群众。转眼2025年了,近日潘玮柏竟然在社交平台上晒出了一块全透明的水晶RM88 Smiley腕表。
豆瓣评分:Now that Marvel's superheroes have saved the Universe, their next job is obvious: they have to save the multiverse. In the third of the Spider-Man blockbusters starring Tom Holland, the teenage web-spinner accidentally opens a portal to numerous parallel realities. He finds himself up against Alfred Molina's Doctor Octopus, who fought the Tobey Maguire incarnation of Spider-Man, and Jamie Foxx's Electro, who fought the Andrew Garfield incarnation. And, who knows, he may even bump into Maguire and Garfield themselves. Sounds fun?
Michael Le目前和其他几位TikTok网红组成了一个名为“Shluv House”的 TikTok 团体,一起做直播以及接广告视频,最大的赞助商是一款能量饮料的厂家Bang Energy Drinks,账号价值评估约为 120 万美元。