Dubai AI & WEB3 Festival 2024。展会介绍:中东迪拜AI技术人工智能展在阿联酋副总统兼总理、迪拜统治者Bin Rashid Al Maktoum的赞助下,由阿联酋国家人工智能计划项目主办。
一、AI是什么?AI是人工智能的简称,英文全称是Artificial Intelligence。简单来说,AI就是让机器像人一样思考和行动的技术。1. AI ≠ 机器人很多人以为AI就是机器人,其实这是个误区。AI的核心是"智能",而不是"机器人"。机器人只是AI的一种应用形式。
2023中国国际智能产业博览会9月4日至6日在重庆举办,主题为“智汇八方,博采众长”。The Smart China Expo 2023 opened Monday in southwest China's Chongqing Municipality.
The Smart China Expo 2022 opened Monday in southwest China's Chongqing Municipality, attracting over 500 exhibitors from home and abroad to showcase their latest intelligent technology achievements. Themed “Smart Technology: Empowering Economy, Enriching Life,” the three-day expo will hold a series of activities. A total of 130 online exhibition booths and six offline exhibition areas were set up for the expo.
On February 5th, Guangdong held its annual High-Quality Development Conference, where the province's industrial "inventory" was revealed for
The second focus is to drive the development of the ecosystem and industrial chain. “We can only showcase our technological advantages by consistently enriching the ecosystem of domestic chips,” Guo said.