我想在理智还没来得及占上风之前马上把它买下来。Bob had taken a fancy to the new girl in the neighbourhood and went about trying to catch her eye during a get together organized by the local community.这个游戏现在吸引了很多人。
What does Cindy look like?Cindy长得什么样儿?appearance 外表look v. 看 n. 长相、样子What does she look like?She has big blue eyes and blonde hair.
她出生并成长于洛杉矶,童年的大部分时光在寄养家庭和孤儿院中度过,并在16岁那年结婚。她似乎从小就显露出对表演的喜爱与向往:When I was five I think, that's when I started wanting to be an actress...
文:朗播-王宜涵当你走在校园里或者大街上,亦或是在看电影或各种剧看到令自己"心跳加速"的妹子的时候,往往条件反射般的拍拍旁边的哥们说:“That girl is so beautiful!” 哥们回一字:“哦”,丝毫没有兴趣转头去看一眼你口中所谓“beautiful”的妹子。
white hair 不等于 白头发。white 这个词的解释可以是 the color of snow ,我们都知道雪白的雪,是没有杂质的。When we grow old , it is normal to have。