文末有Tazo大大倾情献声你萌还不快洗耳跪听回复「words」查看既往「逼格词」系列,瞬间就满逼格复活了呢~Tazo的医学英语日记(一)精神病写在前面: 协和八的编辑大大找到我来写其实我是受宠若惊的,谢邀。
缩写的“Dr”或“Dr.”,是对获得博士学位的人的称呼。It is until the early 19th century the physician started using the doctor title, regardless whether they hold the doctorate or not . This matter has already been brought to WHO, that decides the title doctor granted to them as honorary calling because of their job contribution.
兄弟听了直接问道:doctor是“医生”又是“博士”,要怎么区分?另外,有一种情况要注意,日常中我们要介绍“XXX是医生”时,可以说someone is a doctor,但如果要介绍“XXX是个博士”时,则要说someone has a doctor’s degree.