怕沾污手指的人做不出什么事。——Jane: A cat in gloves catches no mice , Jill. Tell her bluntly that you need the money.你就直接告诉她让她还钱就行了。
1,play group:游戏小组2,hook:挂钩例句:The children each have their own hook to hung their coats on. 孩子们都有自己挂衣服的衣帽钩。3,shy:害羞例句:Emily is a bit shy.
在剧中,夏洛克是一位犹太放高利贷者,以其冷酷无情和高利贷行为而著称。The store is shy on porcelain cups.在这个例子中,“shy on”表示商店在瓷杯这一商品上的缺货状态,即数量上的不足。
第七天1. bath bathe bathrobe bathtub bus double-decker breath breathe breathless记忆:1.bathn.洗澡A bath can make you fresh again.洗个澡你就会感到清爽。2.
有,它遇到了一隻友好的拉布拉多犬。Did you take any treats for him?Most of the time, but he gets excited when he sees squirrels.