Recently, artificial intelligence has developed rapidly with the fast development of science and technology, so AI is no longer an alien notion to the public.Based on AI technology, various of automatic machines have emerged and those machines have done more of our thinking, which makes our life become easier and convenient. Meanwhile, we may become so dependent on AI machines that our brains may be starved of mental effort and regress consequently. Then a thought-provoking problem arises, will human brains be replaced by AI?
大河网讯 近日,智能聊天机器人程序ChatGPT在全球范围内掀起了一阵“人工智能”热潮,写代码、写文章、做题……ChatGPT成了新的流量收割机,引发了网友一系列“花式整活”,改变着人的思维观念和行动方式。ChatGPT是什么?这种AI技术的发展会给人类带来哪些影响?
玩ChatGPT上瘾,喜欢什么都问它用英语可以说:有一个很形象的短语可以形容大家对手机感觉:can't put it down: 无法放下, 爱不释手。I just can't put my phone down. 我玩手机根本停不下来。