第74题refers to the management of the overall and long-term development direction objectives tasks and policies of an organization in a certain period,as well as the corresponding decisions on the organization's resource allocation,and the tracking, supervision and change of these decisions.
试卷分析 - 试卷结构全卷共 33 题,单选题 29 题,材料分析题 2 题,阅读理解能力题1 题,写作题 1 题。第二则是 出自 《中庸》 的 ” 行远必自毡,登高必自卑 ” ,翻译为:要想走很远的路,到达远大的 目标,就必 须从近处开始 :要想登上高山之颊,极目远眺,一览众 山 小,就必须从山脚起步。