REE and other trace elements in turquoises samples were analyzed by a high resolution ICP- MS in order to trace the provenance of ancient turquoises artifacts found in Hubei Province, Central China. Compared with the characteristics of REE distribu- tion patterns between local geological turquoises samples and the ancient turquoises artifacts, this research reveals the fact that mineral sources of the ancient turquoises artifacts might come from northwest Hubei Province, where they were excavated, This study indicates that turquoises artifacts might be directly derived from the local geological ore bodies in Hubei Province where it have been mined since Bronze Age. Our result also shows that it is feasible to restrict the possible provenance of ancient turquoises based on analysis of the geochemical characteristics of REE and other trace dements in ancient turquoises artifacts.
10月11日,湖北省郧西县下营村村民钟磊将绿松石制品打包准备发货。 湖北省十堰市郧西县下营村位于鄂西北山区,2008年以来,当地村民通过开淘宝店,将本地矿物资源绿松石成功外销到全国各地。2014年,下营村被阿里研究院授予“淘宝村”称号。