To protect itself from being threatened by the rising Jurchen tribes on the eastern border, the Ming had invested a huge amount of money to build garrisons and fortifications, and to make its Great Walls impregnable. In fact a “Guan- Ning-Jin Line” had been constructed along the border. Ironically, however, the Ming suffered a crushing defeat, unable to withstand the Jurchen iron cavalry.
中新网辽宁新闻12月2日电 在浩瀚的华夏大地上,辽西走廊犹如一条熠熠生辉的纽带,穿越时空,连接着中原与东北的广袤大地,承载着无数王朝的兴衰记忆与文化的交融。从朝阳的古韵悠悠,到阜新的岁月积淀,再到盘锦的湿地风情、锦州的英雄传奇,以及葫芦岛的碧海蓝天,都散发着独特的魅力。
On February 4, 2021, the Cooperation Alliance of Local Governments along the “New Land-sea Channel of the。Northeast” was jointly initiated by Jinzhou and Xilin Gol League and established by Chifeng, Tongliao, Fuxin, and Chaoyang. In March 2021, the construction of the New Land- sea Channel of the Northeast was first implemented in Liaoning as a national strategy.As a land-sea transportation hub in the West Liaoning Corridor, Jinzhou will make every effort to create a new frontier for opening up and will play a bigger role in helping the dual circulation of the domestic and international markets and making new breakthroughs in the revitalization of the Northeast.到了解放战争时期,决定新中国命运的三大战役之一——辽沈战役的主战场就在锦州。
The west Liaoning Corridor was a bustling area in the Sui and Tang Dynasties . the Corridor at that time was home to several largeports, shipping both supplies, goodsand troops. The troops transportedthrough the ports every time couldbe as many as hundreds of thousands.The combative, armed forces of theSui and Tang Dynasties were aimed attaking over Liaodong, the eastern andsouthern part of Liaoning provincetoday, so as to realize their dream ofunifying China. Thus, the Corridor atthat time was not only a traffic artery,but also a frontier for conquering east China.
展厅里,小朋友们听着讲解员王冬玲的解说,对文物背后的故事充满好奇。国家一级文物红山玉丫形器。国家一级文物石耜。国家一级文物三彩釉子母狮砚滴。孙 阳 记者 郭 平 文并摄核心提示位于朝阳博物馆三楼的“枢纽之城——辽西走廊上的朝阳”展览吸引了众多参观者。