帮助大家读热点学英语,是China Daily一直坚持做的事。最近,我们精选34篇China Daily对中国社会、经济、生活等热点话题的英文报道,做成了实用精读课程——《China Daily精读专题丨社会经济合集》。
2月20日CHINA DAILY (中国日报)发表了名为"Horses, history, chariots and verses"(《马匹、历史、战车和诗歌》)的全英文报道文章以荆州楚王车马阵荆州博物馆文物、诗人屈原等为切入口展现了“鸣将惊人”并极具浪漫色彩和想象力的楚文化魅力
2月29日CHINA DAILY(中国日报)刊发《Jingzhou turns historyinto modern attraction》文章聚焦荆州将历史融入现代魅力中文版全文(翻译版)↓↓↓荆州将历史融入现代魅力农历除夕夜,通常是一家人围坐在餐桌前团聚的日子,但在湖北荆州,
安徽省委书记郑栅洁说,在人们心中,安徽已经跨越了“传统农业大省”和“内陆腹地”的刻板印象。Anhui now has dozens of quantum information companies, most of them in Hefei and many in the same district where Zhou works, which has now been dubbed “Quantum Avenue”.
今天《中国日报》英文客户端正式发布2024版南通国际招商形象片《Dialogues with the World》向全球推介!《中国日报》英文客户端发布2024版南通国际招商形象片《Dialogues with the world》发布于《中国日报》英文客户端“聚焦南通”频道。
In the new era, foreign language teaching and learning must be combined with other disciplines, such as diplomacy, economics, politics, business, literature and art.。
Zhongmu county has a history of over 2,700 years, dating back to the Spring and Autumn Period . The county boasts diversified intangible cultural heritages including black pottery, clay sculpture and paper cutting arts, and is the origin of Chinese traditional instrument of Konghou.
China Daily Z Weekly 上线啦!国外Z世代都在关注什么?最新的互联网“爆梗”是啥意思?网红博主“皮下”是什么样?专家“大V”也这么接地气?很多小伙伴在学习英语的过程中,都离不开China Daily的陪伴。
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