虽然总是要你帮他写信,但李华确实帮助无数同学提高了英语写作水平…For those who have already left high school, thank Li for improving your writing skills.
Yang Hui was a famous Chinese mathematician who lived in the 13th century during the Song dynasty. He wrote several books on mathematics, which are among the few that survived from that time. He was interested in many topics, such as magic squares, magic circles, binomial theorem, and geometry.
三年级上册,英语课本中有吴一凡, Zoom,zip等,三年级下册,英语课本中有吴缤缤,张鹏, Amy, Zip等,吴一凡改名为吴缤缤到底是什么意思?因为吴亦凡是一个罪犯,吴一凡和吴亦凡太像了,所以英语课本改名为吴缤缤。
After graduating in 1953, he worked as a researcher. Yuan Longping realised that larger fields were not the solution. Instead, farmers needed to boost yields in the fields they had. How this could be done was a challenging question at the time. Yuan was convinced that the answer could be found in the creation of hybrid rice. A hybrid is a cross between two or more varieties of a species. One characteristic of hybrids is that they usually attain a higher yield than conventional crops. However, whether it was possible to develop a hybrid of self-pollinating plants such as rice was a matter of great debate. The common assumption then was that it could not be done. Through intense effort, Yuan overcame enormous technical difficulties to develop the first hybrid rice that could be used for farming in 1974. This hybrid enabled farmers to expand their output greatly.
一切从那本英语书开始的, 那书中的男孩Li Lei 身边的女孩名叫Han Meimei ,还有Jim Lily 和 Lucy Kite, Lin Tao和 Uncle Wang 一只会说话的鹦鹉叫Polly,他到处飞。