5月4日,呼应STAR WARS中的重要台词「May the Force (Forth) Be With You」,今天是各位星战迷最重视的「STAR WARS DAY」,来自世界地的影迷相信都已经有自己的庆祝方式,而拥有三架STAR WARS涂装造型飞机的ANA全日航空公司,特
Part I1 the [ðə, ði:] art.这,那 ad.[用于比较级;最高级前]2 be [bi:] aux. v.(am,is,are之原型) vi.是;在3 of [əv] prep.…的;由…制成的;关于;由于4 and [ ænd] conj.
Unit 1How can we become good learners?textbook[tekstbuk]n. 教科书;课本conversation[kɔnvəseɪʃn]n.交谈;谈话aloud[əlaud]adv.
“You see, my godfather, when the world starts to live in peace and abundance after the Second Big War, all of that will be just a bitter illusion because many will forget God and they will worship only their own human intelligence...
1、Casablanca-Bertie HigginsBertie Higgins(贝特·希金斯)说:“这首歌是我为当时的女朋友、现在的妻子写的。我记得那是1982年,《北非谍影》(又名《卡萨布兰卡》,与歌曲同名)是我们共同喜爱的电影,这部爱情片让我们如痴如醉。
Phoenix TV: Spokesperson of the Taiwan region’s leader and the head of Taiwan’s foreign affairs department compared the Ukraine issue to the Taiwan question, and expressed the hope that the international community will continue to provide Taiwan with weapons so that China’s mainland dare not “invade” Taiwan by force. Some people also said that we should not make Ukraine’s today Taiwan’s tomorrow. Do you have any comment?
《Faded》是Alan Walker的一首歌曲,由Alan Walker、Jesper Borgen、Gunnar Greve Pettersen、Anders Froen创作词曲,Iselin Solheim演唱。
Bloomberg: Russia says Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is coming to Beijing for a meeting to discuss Afghanistan on March 31. During that meeting, will there be an opportunity to discuss the situation in Ukraine?
笔者拿到Static-X的第一张打口带《Wisconsin Death Trip》还是在听了Korn 、Limb Bizkit等乐队之后的一天了,一番交流后最终以15元钞票成交,拿回去听了几遍便逢人“yeah you push it push it ”个没完,想来当时极度中二,病的不轻。
录制开始于High Speed,在上一张EP The Blue Room 录制时,就已经有录制Parachute的想法,但当时缺乏灵感,乐队进行长时间的休整,在排练室“玩”,目的就是探索旋律,几个月后,这张唱片的制作人肯·尼尔森由于制作了绝大部分歌曲而被选中,便紧跟着乐队成员去往各大录音室进行录制工作。
We clawed, we chained our hearts in vain我们争执过,我们亲密过,我们已经心力交瘁 We jumped, never asking why我们的感情进行的太快,却从来没有问过对方为什么。