有时候创意,比技术更合消费者胃口。这 是 什 么 鬼 ?皮革上的创意可以说千万种。但唯独这样的创意很符合北欧简约美。 Maitri 丁可 - Island 扎染的创意纹理,被她玩到皮上来了!▼尽情乱喷,这肌理够美!
中新网新疆新闻1月16日电(张文庭 曹小娟 师静雯 迪丽巴尔)丝绸之路线路图、戴着金色头饰的伊犁骏马、拉弓射箭的哈萨克小伙儿……在新源县塞人传说绘画工作室,一幅幅精美的皮画,让人惊叹不已。皮画是在羊皮、马皮、牛皮上进行皮画艺术创作。
Mark Evans是一个堪称天才的艺术家——这可不是吹牛皮吹出来的,而是一刀一刀货真价实雕刻出来的:以动物皮革为画布,以尖利的燧石、玻璃碎片和刀具为画笔,Mark Evans能在皮革上“刮”出非常具有层次感的画作——应该庆幸哥们不是生活在中国的古代,否则他一定能作为朝廷天字第一
Abstract: The traditional interior decoration in my country is generally made of wood and stone as decorative materials. With the changes of the times, the traditional interior decoration of wood structure and stone materials can no longer fully adapt to the aesthetic of modern people, and people prefer personalized expression. As a niche interior decoration material, leather material has gradually been liked and pursued by modern people due to its special material and design sense in decoration. Starting from the types of leather decoration materials, this paper discusses in detail the application principles and values of leather material products in interior decoration under the concept of green design, as well as the corresponding expressions of leather products in interior design.随着中国特色社会主义的不断发展,保护生态环境已经成为越来越多人的共识,环保理念已经逐渐深入人心。