on top of the world 极度幸福,幸福到极点,心满意足。A year ago, as Boris Johnson prepared to take Britain out of the European Union’s trading arrangements after an 11-month transition, he was on top of the world. The trade and cooperation agreement he had signed with the EU was, he crowed, “cakeist”—his term for deals that combine the having and eating of cake, in this case decent access to the single market and freedom to diverge from its rules. But as 2021 ended, little cake was to be had. A backbench rebellion, a stunning by-election loss and public anger at revelations that the prime minister and his colleagues partied during lockdowns in 2020 have hit his poll ratings. The year’s final blow came on December 18th, when David Frost, his chief EU negotiator, resigned, citing his frustration at the government’s failure to make progress on an ambitious post-Brexit agenda.
10月11日,锁定央视频→网页链接 ,相约“世界之巅”珠峰诗歌音乐会,与刚强、@米娜米娜小Merna 、格桑德吉、朗加、@新牧人组合 、@火神爷夏伯渝 、陈人杰、@王凯歌剧演员 、@欧阳宝玉1987 、姬玉、@王洛勇 、@尼玛次仁V 、@朗诵发烧友徐涛 、刘萱、@龙洋V 、@降央卓玛脱缰野马 、@冯满天 、于雷、肖铁钢、@藏戏-旦增益西 、@Allen韩聪 、@隔壁老樊_樊凯杰 、总台援藏主持人崔征、杨志军、郑安阳、次仁拉姆、@NorodomJenna诺罗敦珍娜 、@埃及的王慕林 、@法国莫言 、Maryna、@殷岳Gabriel 、许智可@小可工作室CocoStudio 、杨欣萌@itsAbby萌小懒 、赵鑫、@王星越 、@郑云龙DL 、康辉、徐晓晨、索朗次仁等一起唱响珠峰!
齐鲁网·闪电新闻11月16日讯 山东电视体育频道消息,卡塔尔足球世界杯即将拉开大幕,谈到世界杯,大众的关注点远不局限于比赛本身。从参赛队伍到知名球星、赛事预测乃至世界杯吉祥物,而最近历届世界杯主题曲也在各大社交媒体上持续传唱,引发了网友的回忆。
最新款Silverado上搭载360匹5.3L V8或426匹6.2L V8大自吸,任凭时代如何发展依然毫不妥协地坚守着美系车自由奔放的灵魂;横平竖直的车身线条也最符合美利坚基层民众不流于形式的性格特质。
全新栏目《篮曲库》上线,每天分享一首篮球相关歌曲,让大家不管是看球还是练球,都有音乐相伴!今天分享的这首歌是由美国饶舌男歌手Ace Hood演唱的《Top Of The World》,这首歌收录在他2008年11月18日发行的专辑《Gutta》中。