They should know better than to bite the hand that feeds them. There is no way to get away with this.
“Qi meng le” literally means a state when you wake up in the morning too quickly and your brain can't catch up, resulting in being dazed or confused. As an internet slang, it expresses disbelief or something extremely unbelievable, and can also be understood as “Am I still half-asleep?”起猛了,听见有人说熊猫不可爱。
275. I'll just play it by ear. 我到时随机应变。276. I'm not sure I can do it. 恐怕这事我干不了。277. I'm not used to drinking. 我不习惯喝酒。
用于告诉他人让开或离开当前位置,以便给其他人或物让出空间或通行的道路。举个例子:“Excuse me, could you please get out of the way?”莎拉,你考试考得太棒了!
e.g. We finally discovered the dead rat that was causing the stench in the living room.我们终于发现是死老 鼠带来了卧室里的恶臭。