以下是恢复出厂设置的步骤:,m.gmspk.com,Before we begin the reconfiguration process, it’s important to understand how to perform a factory reset on the router. Most routers have a dedicated reset button, usually located on the back or bottom of the device. Here are the steps to perform a factory reset:找到重置按钮:检查路由器的背面或底部,找到一个小孔,通常标有“Reset”或“恢复出厂设置”。
方式一:恢复出厂设置恢复路由器出厂设置后重新将路由器设置为路由模式,这是最简单的方式。注:如果两台路由器是通过网线直连的方式 HiLink 智联的,则需要将副路由器的 WAN 接口断开与上行主路由的连接或者关闭主路由器的智联功能后再恢复出厂设置。