总公司: Head Office分公司: Branch Office营业部: Business Office人事部: Personnel Department人力资源部: Human Resources Department总务部: General Affairs Departm
人在职场飘,人在职场纵横来去,哪能不好好学习、工作能力如江水滔滔,扶摇直上九万里,升职加薪乐逍遥?The KPIs shall be stated in its annual report and discussed in the managment meeting .
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【CEO】 Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官【CFO】 Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官【COO】 Chief Operated Officer 首席运营官【CTO】 Chief Technology Officer 首席技术官
24个常用部门名称Administration行政Operations运营Executive执行Production生产Product产品HR - Human Resource人力资源Accounting会计Financial财务Advertising广告Business业务Co
今天这篇文章,小拓汇总整理了外贸工作中常用的460个英文词组,方便大家学习和使用。拥有良好销路 command a good market/ find a ready market/enjoy fast sales。
我们会在每集节目中回答大家在英语学习时碰到的一个问题。听众一:I have a question. Could you please help me understand the differences
总经理【GM】 General Manager 副总裁【VP 】 Vice President 第一副总裁【FVP】 First Vice President 副总裁助理【AVP 】 Assistant Vice President 人力资源总监【HRD 】 Human Reso
A technologist is a specialist in technology, while a technician is an expert in techniques of a particular art, etc.