其实在英文中,我们也得用到 “ring” 和 “bell” 这两个单词,但是唯一值得我们注意的是,我们一定要把“ring a bell” 变成:ring the bell -- 这才是真正的用来表达 “按门铃” 的意思!
每天打卡学英语!短剧轻松学英语!先来看看今天有关短语ring a bell的视频内容。视频例句1:Any of this ring a bell?视频例句2:Doesn't ring any bells?视频例句3:Doesn't ring a bell.
释义:to be unable to remember sth that has happened in the past or information that you knew in the past。表面意思是话都到舌尖了,答案也呼之欲出了,真正的意思其实是我还想不起来。
1.Whatever.随便!2.I don't know.我不知道。3.You got a problem?你有病啊!4.This is so meant to be!这就是天意!5.Really?真的假的?6.What is the fuss?吵什么?7.Still up?
1. Don't take it to heart。别往心里去!2. Don't play games with me!小句子有大用处别跟我耍花招!3. That's something。太好了,太棒了。4. I am behind you。我支持你!5. I'm broke。
从前,有个人看见人家大门上挂着一只门铃,就想把它偷来。If he were discovered, not only he couldn't get the bell, but he himself might also be caught.
Baduanjin is one of the oldest health and fitness regimens in China, being originally created over 800 years ago during the Song Dynasty .
1. Whatever. 随便!2. I don't know. 我不知道。3. You got a problem? 你有病啊!4. Really? 真的假的?5. Still up? 还没睡呀?6. Good for you! 好得很!7. Talk truly.
God works. 上帝的安排。Not so bad. 不错。No way! 不可能!Don't flatter me. 过奖了。Hope so. 希望如此。I don't care. 我不在乎。Go down to business. 言归正传。I'm not going.
一 词组1 have trouble (difficulty) (in)doing sth做某事费劲/困难2 for example 例如3 in one`s free time 在某人的闲暇4 sculpt a sculpture 雕刻一座雕像5 paint a paintin
要彻底掌握一门外语,不仅仅要靠单词的积累,更重要的是要在轻松、愉快的学习氛围中,了解与该语言相关的文化背景,学会套用native speaker的思维模式,来使用他们最常用的语汇、句型,对语言进行整体定位。唯有如此,才能在短期内迅速掌握这门语言。Break a leg!祝好运?
相对于汉语辞藻的华丽复杂,英语语句相对来讲较为单一短小。而英语中又有一些句子,它们看起来非常短,但表达的意义却很丰富。这些句子能在多种场合使用,言简意赅地表达我们想表达的意思。下面我们一起来看一下吧!1. Don't take it to heart.别往心里去!2.
奉献,致力于dew[dju:] n.露,露水diagram [‘daiəɡræm] n.图解,图表,简图dial [‘daiəl] n.钟面;拨号盘 vt.拨dialect [‘daiəlekt] n.方言,土语,地方话dialog [‘daiəlɔɡ] n.对话,对白diame