Dr. Zhu has undertaken advanced studies at the Englewood Hospital Vein Center in the United States and the CHIVA surgery center at Cremona's St. Camillus De Lellis Hospital in Italy. She has engaged in extensive academic exchanges on the international stage, serving as a keynote speaker at the 42nd Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Phlebology and the 64th Meeting of the Germany Society of Phlebology, sharing her valuable insights and experiences in the field of venous disease treatment.
2) C FRANCESCHI C.: CHIVA 30 years later. Scientific and ethical considerations Veins and Lymphatics. 2019 - pagepressjournals.org。
CHIVA是法语Cure Conservatrice et Hemodynamique de l′Insufficience Veineuse en Ambulatoire的简称,该治疗理念由法国医生Franceschi创立。
参考文献:1. Felipe Puricelli Faccini, Stefano Ermini Claude Franceschi. CHIVA to treat saphenous vein insu ciency in chronic venous disease: characteristics and results. Journal Vascular Brasileiro 2019 ISSN 1677- 7301.
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