来源:英语听说读写背各种CEO、CAO、COO......C*O都代表什么? 各种CEO、CAO、COO......C*O都代表什么? 各种CEO、CAO、COO......C*O都代表什么?
CEO:Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官 别称 行政总监、总经理、最高执行长CTO:Chief Technical Officer或Chief Technology Officer 首席技术官CIO:Chief Information Officer首席
bas,bat源自于希腊文 bainein(=go;step),basis(=step一步;pedestal 基础);(变形)bet,故bas(=go去;step步)在印欧语音变规律中a与e可以互换,所以bat与bet也是同一个意思,bat(=go去;step一步)我们要如何记忆
看美剧、跟美国人聊天,你是否常被他们的俚语、口头禅弄得摸不着头脑?比如平时听Spencer, Adam的节目,他俩动不动来一句:"Right off the bat...", “knock it out of the park"...到底什么意思?
It was time to consign his bat and glove to the cupboard。The battey is dying and storms is coming. We go into a cave nearby. Some bats hang upside down on the top of the cave. We look at the bats with bated breath. They looked so terrible.One of us is a batter, he take out his bat. I find a baton on the ground and some wood pieces which were battered aroud. It is definitely the battlefield without debatable. Some combatants and uncombatants meet in the cave. They thought each other are combative. They combat with each other in the cave, batter a lot of sticks. When the storm abate, we leave the cave safely.
经常看到大公司设有各种“O”,CEO、CFO、COO我们一般把CEO念成“C~E~O”,但是APP却不能念成“A~P~P”!CEO读“C~E~O”CEO的全称是:Chief Executive Officer首席执行官CEO本来就是首字母缩写,很多人习惯把它按字母拆开来念。