The dumplings arrive steaming and dangerously hot. To eat one, you have to decide whether 57_ a small holin it first, releasing the stream and risking a spill , 58_to put the wholedumpling in your mouth, letting the hot soup explode on your tongue.
,结合上文whether to bite a small hole in it first,是先咬一个小洞,此处应为 or to put the whole dumpling in your mouth还是把整个包子放进嘴里,因此应填or。
2023 年高考落下帷幕,本报秉承研究高考、服务教学的宗旨,发布以下高考试题分析,供广大读者参考。本报以普通高中英语课程的目标和理念为编写导向和原则,以语言能力为基础,融合文化意识、思维品质和学习能力,全面培养学生的英语学科核心素养。
My mother was cooking in the kitchen while1 I was doing my school assignments. As soon as2I finished my homework, I went to get some water to drink. Then the doorbell rang. However, my sister unlocked the door before3I could open it. We were surprised the moment4we saw her because5 her clothes and face were terribly dirty.She looked much poorer than⑥we expected. Since⑦ we didn't know what had happened to her, we stood there and waited for my sister's story.We wouldn't leave unless⑧ my sister told us all about it.After⑨my sister got changed, she told us that she fell into a ditch when⑩ she walked on a path on her way to my uncle's home in the countryside. She couldn't get out of the ditch.Although⑪she cried for help, no one could hear her. She tried to climb out of it, but, however⑫hard she tried, she failed to escape from it.As⑬time went by, she got worried. After several vain attempts she had to stand where⑭ she was and waited until⑮ a boy student passed by and gave her a hand. The boy reached her a long rope and told her to climb with the rope.She did as⑯the boy told, so⑰ she came out.My sister also warned us to be careful when walking⑱ on a path even_though/if⑲ we are in a great hurry.That's true. We should mind our step so_that⑳ we can ensure our safety.
2023-06-09 08:41来源:扬子晚报 链接已复制字体:小大昨天,教育部教育考试院发布了2023年高考英语试卷的命题思路和解析。据悉,试卷突出学科关键能力考查,尤其强化对阅读理解和书面表达等关键能力的考查。