我们时常会在影视剧中听到“Do you have the time?”,那么你知道这个表达是什么意思吗?它可不是“你有空吗?”下面一起来看一下关于“Do you have the time?” 的用法和表达吧。图源:东方IC“Do you have the time?
我不喜欢老是抱怨的人。have time on sb's side = 有充裕的时间。也可以说成time is on sb's side。例:We don't have to make a final decision till next week, so time is on our side.
It's twenty past two.past。What's the time?It's eleven minutes past four.minute,当分钟数不是5的倍数时,要在分钟数后加上minutes。
也有赶时间的意思,假若对方听到你说这句,都不好意思打扰你了。来不及了、没有时间了、时间快不够了。They ought to fear climate catastrophe and they are running out of time to act.
Ihope I'll see you again sometime. 我希望哪天再见到你。Please come and have some coffee with me sometime. 哪天来和我一起喝咖啡吧。sometimes adv. 有时, 时不时地, 间或I som